Understand Complex Topics Faster
a learning platform for med school students

Understand Complex Topics Faster
a learning platform for med school students

Dive Deeper Into Each Topic

Graph View

  1. Upload

  1. Structurize

  1. Highlight

  1. Study

Our Interactive Knowledge Graph accelerates the way you learn by visually organizing and connecting concepts. Each node in the graph represents a key concept, compiled from multiple sources—whether it’s text from PDFs, YouTube videos with time-stamped links, or other educational materials.

You can explore definitions, dive deeper into the sources, and easily navigate through the interconnected information.

Message Sage


Graph View

  1. Upload

  1. Structurize

  1. Highlight

  1. Study

Our Interactive Knowledge Graph accelerates the way you learn by visually organizing and connecting concepts. Each node in the graph represents a key concept, compiled from multiple sources—whether it’s text from PDFs, YouTube videos with time-stamped links, or other educational materials.

You can explore definitions, dive deeper into the sources, and easily navigate through the interconnected information.

Message Sage


Upload all your learning materials

Upload all your learning materials

Upload all your learning materials

PDF files, lecture notes, video and audio files, links, etc

PDF files, lecture notes, video and audio files, links, etc

PDF files, lecture notes, video and audio files, links, etc

Check your Sage Map

Check your Sage Map

Check your Sage Map

Let our AI find and organize an interactive map of all concepts and logical connections between them

Let our AI find and organize an interactive map of all concepts and logical connections between them

Let our AI find and organize an interactive map of all concepts and logical connections between them

Check each node

Check each node

Check each node

Our AI will generate a context aware definition and suggest a learning pathway

Our AI will generate a context aware definition and suggest a learning pathway

Our AI will generate a context aware definition and suggest a learning pathway

Send to your students

Send to your students

Send to your students

integrate it into your platform or
let us host it for your students

integrate it into your platform or
let us host it for your students

integrate it into your platform or
let us host it for your students

1  GET /knowledge-graph?
2      topic=mathematics/algebra&
3      layout=force-directed&
4      zoom=true&
5      search=true&
6      theme=light 
7  HTTP/1.1
9  Host: api.sagemap.com
10 Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
1  GET /knowledge-graph?
2      topic=mathematics/algebra&
3      layout=force-directed&
4      zoom=true&
5      search=true&
6      theme=light 
7  HTTP/1.1
9  Host: api.sagemap.com
10 Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY


“Ready to adopt the MVP
as soon as it's ready”

Molecular Sciences

US Precision Medicine

Neo Philosophy School

Online Courses of
Grafika Art School

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Any questions?